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Disadvantages of snoring

Snoring is cause by a narrowing of the upper airway. While you,re fast asleep, the muscles in your mouth and upper throat relax and sag, blocking the airway. This prevents air from passing through to your windpipe and lungs. When the upper airway is block

Acid reflux is common during pregnancy.

During pregnancy is a time when many mothers are both happy and worried at the same time. And of course, it will be follow by various conditions that must be prepar to handle well. Especially during morning sickness, which often makes mothers easily experience acid reflux. Acid reflux is

Are 44 and 60 really the black holes of aging for humans? Why?

Are 44 and 60 really the black holes of aging for humans? Why?

The human body doesn’t age steadily throughout adulthood — it actually accelerates dramatically between the ages of 44 and 60, according to a new study. The new research, published Aug. 14 in the journal Nature Aging , measured more than 11,000 molecules in adults over